Section: Dissemination

Conferences, Seminars, Invitations

I. Ben Gharbia:
  • Benchmark 3D : a Composite Hexahedral Mixed Finite Element, International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications 6, Prague, Czech Republic, June 6–10, 2011.

  • Modeling hydrogen-water flow with hydrogen dissolution as a problem with complementarity constraints, SIAM Conference on Geosciences, Long Beach, California, March 21–24, 2011, in minisymposium “Numerical Methods for Compositional Liquid-Gas Flow in Porous Media”.

  • Gas Phase Appearance and Disappearance as a Problem with Complementarity Constraints, 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN'11), Morocco, May 23 –26, 2011.

  • Nonlinear complementarity constraints for two-phase flow in porous media with gas phase appearance and disappearance, TAM–TAM'11, Tunis, Tunisia, April 23–26, 2011.

  • Complementarity problem for hydrogen-water flow with hydrogen dissolution (Poster), Journées scientifiques du GNR MOMAS, CIRM, Marseille, France, 02–04 novembre, 2011.

Q. Carbonneaux:
  • Parallel programming with Sklml, MaGiX@LiX 2011, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France), September 19–23, 2011 (with F. Clément and P. Weis).

A. Chiche:
  • Convergence of the progressive hedging algorithm applied to the medium-term electricity planning problem, Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI) 2011, Paris, France, 23-25 november 2011.

F. Clément:
  • Formalisation de la preuve de convergence d'un schéma numérique pour la résolution de l'équation des ondes mono-dimensionnelle, 4es Rencontres Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique (RAIM'11), Perpignan (France), February 7–10, 2011

J. Jaffré:
  • A discrete fracture model for two-phase flow with different rock types, Interpore 2011, Bordeaux, March 2011, in minisymposium “Advanced Numerical Modeling”, (with M. Mnejja and J. E. Roberts).

  • Two-phase Flow in Porous Media with Discrete Fractures, SIAM conference on Geosciences, Long Beach, USA, March 2011, in minisymposium “Modeling Flow in Porous Media with Fractures”, (with M. Mnejja and J. E. Roberts).

  • Mathematics to validate numerical methods for simulation, HLRS German-French Workshop, Fellbach, Germany, April 2011.

M. Kern:
  • Iterative methods and preconditioning for a model of transport with sorption, SIAM Conference on Geosciences, March 2011 (with A. Taakili).

  • Reactive transport in Porous Media — Applications to CO2 storage, Université de Pau, October 2011 (with L. Amir, B. Gueslin, A. Taakili).

  • Des mathématiques pour modéliser les eaux souterraines, Lycée Talma (Brunoy), March 2011.

J. E. Roberts:
  • Flow in porous media with fractures: modeling fractures as interfaces, seminar, university of Zaghreb, Croatia, February 2011.

  • Mathematics and simulation of subsurface flow, HLRS German-French Workshop, Fellbach, Germany, April 2011.

  • A discrete fracture model for two-phase flow with matrix-fracture interaction, ICCS 2011 (International Conference on Computer Science), Singapore, June 2011, (with J. Jaffré and M. Mnejja).